Sunday, June 19, 2011

Lucky to be the son of my father

By Andrew Marcus
Sportswriter for Montgomery Media
Follow me on Twitter @amarcus515

It's the 40 minutes rides to rescue me when my car broke down. It's sitting in the baseball stands in the uncomfortable heat for my double header. It's taking 17 hour drives to Florida just to spend a few days at Spring Training. It's yelling at me for hours for lying about where I went after school in 7th grade.

It's the little things my dad, Lou Marcus, does that have made an impact on my life the most. He has taught me the everything from how to hit a baseball, how to pack a suitcase and how to treat the ones you love.

My dad enjoys many things. Baseball, drama television, James Bond. But he only has one passion - his family.

My dad does everything so that his wife and children can have a better life. He is hard working, understanding, supportive and sarcastic. He is what every father should be. I can only hope to be a father as great as him one day.

I'd have to say as a 25 year-old sportswriter my priorities are in order. He, along with my superwoman mother, has taught me the difference between right and wrong. What to fight for and what live for.

Add in the other two greatest men I know, my grandfather Bernard Marcus and pop-pop Bernie Laskin, I'd have to say I'm a pretty well rounded young adult thanks to them. I am who I am because of my the male influences in my life.

The top three things I have taken from my dad. Fight to be great. Do what you love. Hate the New York Yankees.

I'm pretty lucky to be the son of my father.

Happy Father's Day!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Dude, but it is I who am proud to call you my son.
